
State’s TechGirls program kicks off June 25


The Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announced Friday the inaugural group of TechGirls will arrive June 25 in New York City for a three-week exchange.

The program, first announced by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in July 2011, is an initiative that brings 25 teenage girls from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Territories, Tunisia and Yemen to the United States, where they learn how to harness their potential in the science and technology sectors through hands-on skill development. Focus areas include programming, robotics, mobile application building, web design, video graphics and 3D game design.

They will participate in Wonder-Space Tech Camp, which is an interactive technology and computer camp, meet with leading U.S. technology companies and participate in community service activities.


TechGirls comes on the heels of the first year of TechWomen, a mentoring program that pairs international participants with American women leaders in the technology sector.

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