The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

The evolution of the Army’s cybersecurity

Army CISO Jan Norris has almost been on the job for a year. During that time, the Army has been on a whirlwind of a cybersecurity journey, modernizing its systems and adopting a zero trust security architecture while facing, as Norris put it, weekly breaches and Threat activity, data leaks, and the new discoveries on an ever expanding cyber attack surface.

Norris recently shared about this journey and his first year as CISO during a keynote at Swish Data’s GIST 23 conference.

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The Daily Scoop Podcast

Monday through Friday

The Daily Scoop Podcast

We discuss the latest news and trends facing government leaders on such topics as technology, management and workforce. The program will explore headlines of the day as well as in depth discussions with top executives in both government and industry.
