The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

Listening to your workforce to improve the workplace of the future

On today’s episode of The Daily Scoop Podcast, the State Department’s Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy has officially launched.

The Office of Management and Budget is close to releasing the results from the second of its Pulse Surveys to get a sense of employee sentiment faster than it can from the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. 

At a recent event from the Senior Executives Association and Qualtrics, General Services Administration Chief Human Capital Officer Traci DiMartini, Small Business Administration CHCO Elias Hernandez and Air Force’s Chief Experience Officer Colt Whittal discuss the employee pulse approach, how agencies will use the results to improve workforce satisfaction and what the future workplace will look like to make employees feel safe.

The Daily Scoop Podcast is available every weekday afternoon. Listen more here.

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The Daily Scoop Podcast

Monday through Friday

The Daily Scoop Podcast

We discuss the latest news and trends facing government leaders on such topics as technology, management and workforce. The program will explore headlines of the day as well as in depth discussions with top executives in both government and industry.
