The Daily Scoop Podcast
  • The Daily Scoop Podcast

How top Biden tech priorities have been stalled by misalignment between federal IT teams

A number of current and former federal officials claim that a significant lack of prioritization and strategic vision from key technology leaders at the White House’s U.S. Digital Service, Office of Management and Budget and the General Services Administration has caused massive delays in critical improvements to government websites that millions of Americans use every day.

To dig deeper into that story, what’s at the root of it and what those sources had to say, is FedScoop Tech Reporter Nihal Kirshan.

The Daily Scoop Podcast is available every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

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The Daily Scoop Podcast

Monday through Friday

The Daily Scoop Podcast

We discuss the latest news and trends facing government leaders on such topics as technology, management and workforce. The program will explore headlines of the day as well as in depth discussions with top executives in both government and industry.
