- The Daily Scoop Podcast
Building a path for business transformation; Managing your agency’s data explosion
The Government National Mortgage Association, or Ginnie Mae, is responsible for working with other government agencies to provide low-cost financing for federal housing programs. As part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Ginnie Mae works to make affordable housing attainable for millions of Americans.
In a highlight from ITModTalks, Ginnie Mae Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Barbara Cooper-Jones tells Deloitte’s Alexandra Colmenares what she’s learned since being at Ginnie Mae for more than a decade.
The Office of Personnel Management recently launched a new digital services team to help move along IT modernization initiatives at the agency. OPM is hoping that this group of technology talent will continue to build momentum started by its existing group of developers.
OPM CIO Guy Cavallo explains how his agency is managing all the data created by IT modernization projects.
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