- The Daily Scoop Podcast
Accountability for DOD’s zero trust strategy; E-Gov Act anniversary ; CX solutions at the TSP
The Department of Defense says it will hold organizations inside the department responsible for hitting the deadlines in its new zero trust strategy and roadmap.
Gordon Bitko, senior vice president at Information Technology Industry Council and former chief information officer at the FBI, discusses the recommendations ITIC made for agencies implementing zero trust strategies.
A big anniversary is coming for one of the foundational documents in federal technology. The E-Gov Act turns 20 years old on December 17.
Mark Forman, executive vice president at Dynamic Integrated Services and former E-Gov Administrator, discusses the impact the E-Gov Act has had on the federal government and what he sees on the horizon.
The Thrift Savings Plan is also celebrating an anniversary. It’s been two years since its full-matching, auto-enrollment program for new federal employees began.
Kim Weaver, director of external affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, provides the latest updates from the TSP.
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