OMB launches searchable tool covering federal programs

The Biden administration on Thursday launched the Federal Program Inventory, a searchable tool that aims to enhance government transparency and accessibility for federal programs that offer funds to individuals, organizations or governments.
The Office of Management and Budget stated that the release of FPI allows interested parties, including members of the public, congressional stakeholders and oversight bodies, to explore federal programs’ estimated and actual program spending, applicant eligibility and objectives.
The tool allows users to search through programs and filter various categories, types of assistance, agencies and types of eligible applicants to build a custom list of programs. Per OMB, “users will be able to explore related programs across over 100 granular sub-categories.”
FPI pulls data and information from existing government sources, such as and, to offer users “detailed information” about a specific program’s spending, award recipients and available grant opportunities.
“This tool serves a critical step towards increasing the transparency of federal operations and spending,” OMB said in a statement. “Grounded in a vision of an equitable, effective, and accountable government that delivers results for all Americans, OMB will work with stakeholders to iteratively improve the FPI. This work will include working with agencies to ensure that each of the programs listed are consistent with other authoritative sources of federal assistance programs and for each of those programs making available more information including additional performance information”
According to a 2021 release from OMB, the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act of 2010, which was amended by the National Defense Authorization Act in 2021, required OMB to create the FPI and for it to provide a “coherent picture of all federal programs, and the performance of the federal government as well as individual agencies,” according to the implementation plan.
OMB said in an emailed statement that “the FPI demonstrates how the Biden-Harris Administration is delivering for the American people by making it easier for potential beneficiaries to find the programs they need and ensuring the effective stewardship of taxpayer funds. Today’s launch of the FPI will further increase government transparency and accessibility and fulfills Congressional mandates to create and publicly post an inventory.”