Interior Dept. moves its accounting to the cloud

The Department of the Interior finished moving its financial management system to the cloud, becoming a pioneer among federal agencies, vendor Unisys Corp announced this week.
The migrated system — called Financial and Business Management System, or FBMS — allows the agency to plan, budget and analyze its finances. It uses SAP and Compusearch core business management and reporting components, and links with payroll, procurement and travel systems.
The migration was completed in late September 2015.
For the migration, Unisys worked with Virtustream to provide Interior with an infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing platform that includes Virtustream’s SAP in the cloud hosting services.
According to Unisys, Interior became the first in federal government to move an SAP-based financial management application to the cloud when it completed the transition.
The move was part of Interior’s five-year plan to revamp its IT.
Editor’s note: This story has been corrected to indicate the migration was completed in September, not in January.