Should USDS, 18F should be judged like startups?
FedScoop Tech Editor Greg Otto sat down with Francis Rose on Government Matters to discuss how 18F and U.S. Digital Service are being judged, what Congress needs to watch for and how other agencies could learn from what the "startups inside the government" are doing.

Last week, the General Services Administration’s 18F and the U.S. Digital Service were in the spotlight at a House Oversight and Government Reform IT Subcommittee hearing examining whether the offices were being transparent enough.
FedScoop Tech Editor Greg Otto sat down with Francis Rose on Government Matters to discuss how these offices are being judged, what Congress needs to watch for and how other agencies could learn from what the “startups inside the government” are doing.
The panel also discusses what lays ahead of the Census Bureau in the wake of hiring Kevin Smith as its new CIO.